Примеры употребления "annonça" во французском с переводом "announce"

Elle lui annonça ses fiançailles. She announced her engagement to him.
Il annonça le chanteur suivant. He announced the next singer.
L'entreprise annonça des centaines de licenciements. The company announced hundreds of layoffs.
L'entreprise annonça des centaines de mises à pied. The company announced hundreds of layoffs.
On pouvait voir l'allégresse dans le visage du président lorsqu'il annonça que nos actions vont être cotées au premier marché de la bourse de Tokyo. You could see the elation in the president's face when he announced that our shares are going to be listed on the First Section of the TSE next year.
Ils annoncèrent qu'ils allaient divorcer. They announced that they were getting a divorce.
Il a officiellement annoncé sa candidature. He officially announced himself as a candidate.
Ils annoncèrent qu'ils organisaient une fête. They announced that they were going to have a party.
Ils annoncèrent les fiançailles de leur fille. They announced the engagement of their daughter.
Ils ont annoncés qu'ils allaient divorcer. They announced that they were getting a divorce.
Le maire va annoncer sous peu sa démission. The mayor will shortly announce his decision to resign.
L'entreprise a annoncé des centaines de licenciements. The company announced hundreds of layoffs.
Ils ont annoncé qu'ils organisent une fête. They announced that they were going to have a party.
Ils annoncèrent les résultats en date du 1er mai. They announced the results as of May 1.
M. Smith a été annoncé comme le nouveau président. Mr Smith was announced as the succeeding chairman.
Les nuages noirs annonçaient l'arrivée de l'orage. Black clouds announced the coming thunderstorm.
L'entreprise a annoncé des centaines de mises à pied. The company announced hundreds of layoffs.
GE a annoncé l'acquisition de LAKU pour 30 millions de dollars. GE announced the acquisition of the company Laku for $30 million.
Les fiançailles de M. Rogers et de Mlle. Smith ont été annoncées hier. The engagement of Mr Rogers and Miss Smith was announced yesterday.
Nous sommes heureux de vous annoncer que vous avez reçu le prix Nobel de la paix. We are pleased to announce you that you have received the Nobel Peace Prize.
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